Here’s how:
Step 1: Keep your receipts.
- Keep your receipts for airfare, hotel, car rental, parking, taxi, and any meals you purchase during your trip.
- If you drive your car to NOTOCON, keep a written log of your starting mileage (when you leave home) and ending mileage (when you get back). Also keep your receipts for gas.
Step 2: Get a letter from your local body.
- The letter should say that you attended the National O.T.O. Convention in Seattle, Washington on August 7-9, 2009 as a representative of your local body.
Step 3: Deduct the cost of your trip on your 2009 tax return. Read more »
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You will generally list your contributions to O.T.O. on Schedule A of your Form 1040 under “Charitable Contributions”. You will not need to send in receipts or other documentation to the IRS unless you are audited. But it is always a good idea to keep records backing up your deductions, for at least six years after the year when your return was filed.
Here are the records you should keep for each type of contribution: Read more »
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There has been confusion in the past about whether O.T.O. dues are tax-deductible. Some have noted that dues paid to “fraternal organizations” are not deductible according to the IRS. Indeed this is the case for organizations like the Freemasons, which are usually organized as 501(c)(8) or 501(c)(10) organizations–in other words, their purpose is primarily fraternal. O.T.O., on the other hand, is organized as a 501(c)(3) organization–our primary purpose is spiritual (i.e. religious). Thus, our dues are considered to be contributions and are therefore tax-deductible.
The following types of contributions to O.T.O. are tax-deductible: Read more »
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